The American cockroach, also known as the Palmetto bug or Waterbug, will grow to an average length of 1.6 inches; and approximately 0.28 of an inch tall. This cockroach appears reddish-brown, and have a yellowish margin on the body region; located behind the head. Introduced to the United States from Africa as early as 1625, they have become a common pest; in most inhabited tropical climates.
Due to their large size and slow development, exterminators have advised that large infestations of these insects; are not common within houses. However, during certain times of the year, the American cockroach may enter a home; seeking warmer temperatures and food.
Read more about the American cockroach.
Here is another great example of how a prevention strategy, can prevent a pest control problem. Simple home repairs, like repairing cracks, holes and leaking faucets; can successfully deter a cockroach invasion. Take a moment to contact an exterminator or pest control professional, and ask about easy prevention strategies to protect your family; and precious home investment.