Although named for their typical prayer-like stance, the word praying mantis is sometimes misspelled preying mantis, because they are well-known as natural predators; and beneficial insects. The word mantis is actually derived from the Greek word for "prophet" or "fortune teller."
The praying mantis has a body with three segments, an almost alien-like head, thorax and abdomen. The huge compound eyes, mounted on their triangular head (which is able to turn 180 degrees), provide a large field of vision; and excellent hearing. The forelegs of this natural exterminator and beneficial insect, are extraordinarily powerful for their size, and are able to crush it's insect prey; in half. Their mouth parts have several strong cutting components, which tear through and consume tough insect bodies.
Praying mantises can be found in any part of the world that has mild winters, and sufficient vegetation during the late spring, to late summer months. Praying mantis will spend most of their time in a garden, forest or other vegetated area, providing natural insect control services; mainly by feeding on other insects and bugs.
Read more about praying mantises.
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