Monday, October 25, 2010

Bark Scorpion

The Arizona Bark scorpion is one of the most feared creatures in the West. It is a small light brown scorpion common to the southwest United States. This scorpion common in the Sonoran Desert, although less toxic relatives of this scorpion; are located throughout the Southern US. An adult male Arizona bark scorpion can reach a length of 3.14 inches, while the female of the species; is slightly smaller.

Particularly well adapted to desert living, layers of fat on the exoskeleton make the Arizona bark scorpion resistant to water loss. Typically bark scorpions will hide under rocks, wood piles, or tree bark; to avoid the extreme heat of the desert sun. Unlike its Arizona counterpart, the Desert Hairy scorpion, Bark scorpions do not burrow. Instead, they are commonly found in homes, buildings and shelters; as they require only 1/16th of an inch to gain entry.

Read more about the Bark Scorpion.


  1. The Bark scorpion is a legendary pest control problem. It's venomous sting can result in extreme pain or death, and is cause for concern in young children; and the elderly. As such, if you encounter a scorpion in your dwelling, consider asking an exterminator for advice; about preventing or exterminating a scorpion home invaders.

  2. I can't help but notice that it is a Hadrurus Arizonensis (Desert Hairy Scorpion) that is pictured, and not a bark scorpion.
