Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Beneficial Insects

Beneficial insects, also known as Beneficial bugs, are common species of insects; that provide valuable natural pest control services.

Insects commonly identified as beneficial include:
The main focus of this natural exterminating method, is to promote insects; that beneficially eat the homeowner's targeted pests.

Read more about the role and value of a Beneficial insect.


  1. Although many of the listed insects do in fact provide beneficial and natural exterminating services, some may become a pest control problem themselves. For example, if not handled carefully, the Assassin bug will attack humans. As well, ladybugs are known to invade/swarm homes (in great numbers) in the Fall, when temperatures turn cooler.

  2. It is easy to see how an over-population of a beneficial insect, like ladybugs, could easily multiply into a pest control problem; all their own. It seems only natural that insects would seek-out a warmer environment, to spend the Fall and Winter months. Hopefully homeowners can see how this could (likely) result in a home invasion, by the once beneficial insects.
