Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Odorous House ants

The color of the Odorous House ant, ranges from dark brown to shiny black, and the workers are typically about 1/8 of an inch long. The Odorous house ant gets its name from the strong smell it emits, when crushed. The unpleasant smell that results, has been compared to rotting coconuts.

The Odorous House ant will eat just about anything sweet it encounters, however it prefers the honeydew produced by common garden pests, like aphids and mealybugs. As such, in some instances the Odorous House ant can provide gardeners and homeowners, with effective natural pest control services.

Outdoors, the Odorous house ant makes shallow soil nests, under any material on the ground, within a hollow tree, or in any other available cavity. Inside homes, these ant invaders may cause pest control problems, when they build their nests in wall voids, under insulation in crawl spaces, or within cavities in wood.

Read more about the Odorous House ant.


  1. The fact that the Odorous House ant can help control common garden pests, like aphids and mealybugs, makes this natural exterminator very popular with gardeners.

  2. Dealing with aphids in the garden can be difficult. When considering a strategy to address the problem, the application chosen should be effective and safe, for the plants and environment. As such, the pest control services provided by some common insects, like the Odorous House ant; can provide a great alternative to traditional methods.
