Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Brown Rat

Likely originating from Asia, the Brown rat was introduced to other parts of the world; in the Middle Ages. Today, the Brown rat can be found on all continents of the World; with the exception of the Arctic, Antarctica, isolated islands and the Canadian city of Calgary AB.

The Brown rat is usually brown or dark grey in color. It's body size can reach ten inches, with a tail that is often equal in size. Although there have been reports of rats "as big as cats", on average they can weigh twelve to nineteen ounces.

It is not uncommon to discover "social groups" of this rodent, with numbers that could reach (up to) sixty members. Such an infestation, would require a fast and focused exterminating strategy; to properly control and eliminate. The notion that there are as many rats in a city as people, is dependant upon such variables; as climate and living conditions. For example, the aging infrastructure, high moisture and poverty rate in New York City, continues to contribute to that city's rodent pest problem.

Read more about the Brown rat.


  1. Similar to other rodents, Brown rats may carry a number of pathogens; which can result in the spread of disease. This is something that causes major concern, in many tenants and home owners. As such, the first sign of a rodent invasion often prompts an immediate pest control response.

  2. Brown rats are most often active at night, and considered excellent swimmers (surface and underwater). As well, Brown rats are great excavators, and will construct elaborate burrow systems; to provide safety and shelter. However, unlike the related Black rat (commonly referred to as Roof rat), the Brown rat is a very poor climber.
