Sunday, October 24, 2010

Arizona Desert Hairy Scorpion

Arizona Desert Hairy scorpions are a nocturnal, warm-desert species; specially adapted to the hot and dry desert conditions. Occupying the western two thirds of Arizona, the Colorado and Mojave desert regions of southern California, southern Nevada, and extreme southwestern Utah, the Arizona Desert Hairy scorpion is one of the largest species of scorpions in North America; growing to a length of 5.6 to 6 inches. Its large size allows it to feed on other scorpions, and a variety of other prey; including lizards, snakes, large insects, spiders, and small vertebrates.

Although this scorpion is big, its venom is not as potent as the Arizona Bark scorpion. In fact, the sting from an Arizona Desert Hairy scorpion, is commonly perceived to be; as painful as a honeybee sting.

Read more about the Desert Hairy scorpion.


  1. Although the sting from a Desert Hairy scorpion is not as venomous as the Bark scorpion, it's size (6 inches) is frightening enough. Encountering and battling a large pest, like this scorpion, is an unmentionable thought for homeowners; and as such, is often the job for an experienced exterminator or pest control professional.

  2. We can all be thankful that although the Giant Hairy scorpion is large, it does not often cause problems that require the intervention; of pest control services. This is likely because the Giant Hairy scorpion, does not have to look far for it's food. It's large size allows it to easily prey on lizards, snakes and even other members of the scorpion species.
