Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Asian Cockroach

The Asian cockroach was first identified in the United States in 1986, when a heavy infestated area was discovered in Florida. Since that time, the Asian cockroach has invaded rural and suburban homes/yards; across much of the south-eastern United States.

Homeowners may confuse this cockroach pest, with the German cockroach. Although strikingly similar, the Asian cockroach is lighter in color than the German cockroach, and it's wings are longer and more narrow.

Because invasions of 30,000 to 250,000 Asian cockroaches (per acre) are common, large areas around infested homes will (likely) require the help of exterminator services; to effectively eliminate the problem. Furthermore, if the area surrounding the property remains untreated, it could result in a reinfestation of Asian cockroaches.

Read more about the Asian cockroach.


  1. There are striking similarities between cockroaches. When unsure about what type of cockroach has infested their home, homeowners should consider seeking the advice of pest control services, to correctly identify the species of cockroach.

  2. Entomologists studying cockroaches, believe that the Asian cockroach is (possibly) an outdoor strain, of the German cockroach; which is thought to have originated in Asia.
