Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Harvester Ant

There are 26 species of Harvester ants in the United States. Most commonly discovered west of the Mississippi River, Harvester ants prefer a dry climate and environment.

The name "harvester", is derived from the ant’s habit of cutting or harvesting; tiny pieces of grass. The Harvester ants use these small grass clippings, to build large nest mounds.

Local exterminators have cautioned homeowners, that Harvester ants can be highly aggressive. These ants will rush out of their nest (mound) if disturbed, and swarm, pinch and sting intruders.

Read more about Harvester ants.


  1. Harvester ant mounds can appear very quickly, and removing them is difficult for a home owner; or exterminator. As mentioned, Harvester ants can be very aggressive and will attack if disturbed.

  2. If a mound should suddenly appear in your yard, it is not recommended that you attempt to remove the nest on your own. Two words to remember, "Swarm" and "Sting". Seek the advice of a trusted exterminator, and ask about safe, effective and natural pest control methods; of removing your pest problem.
